Inspire Minds, Illuminate Pages: Bridgeman Images for Educational Publishers

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Enrich Your Content with a Treasure Trove of Visual Resources and Empower Visual Learning


Transform your educational materials with Bridgeman Images' diverse and extensive collection. From historical artefacts to scientific illustrations, our curated selection of images provides a visual feast for learners of all ages. Enhance your textbooks, e-learning modules, and educational publications with high quality visuals that captivate, educate, and inspire. With licensing options tailored for educational publishers, Bridgeman Images is your gateway to a world of visual learning possibilities.

Explore our comprehensive library to find the perfect visuals for subjects ranging from history and science to literature and beyond. Our images are curated to meet the educational standards of accuracy and relevance. Elevate your content and engage students with the power of visual storytelling.

Bridgeman Images is your gateway to a world of educational enrichment, where every image tells a story and enhances the learning journey. Fill your publications with the power of visuals that captivate, educate, and inspire. 

Our Services

We’re about long-term relationships and are happy to work with all sorts of budgets. Ask our experts to support your projects from start to finish, including with legal, creative and research help.

Easy, One-Step Rights Clearance

  • We clear image rights quickly with one-step copyright approval
  • Trust us to navigate the complexities of third-party and personality rights, as well as reproduction rights and copyright
  • Free advice on clearing an artist's copyright when additional permission is needed
  • We give you information about licensing upfront
High quality images to suit all budgets
  • We offer millions of copyright free images
  • We can suggest artists about to go out of copyright
  • Buy with confidence, our expertise means no expensive surprises

Images tailored to your needs

  • We offer high quality, high resolution downloads for your mock ups at no charge or obligation
  • Many of our images can be edited, cropped, or overlaid to suit your needs
  • If you want to manipulate images we’re happy to advise
  • We also offer image rescanning and colourisation to help you create unique, stand out designs and bring your books to life

Peace of mind indemnity service

  • We keep ahead of the ever-changing laws of legal copyright, so you don’t have too.
  • Our experts can give the reassurance you need to use content with complete confidence
  • 1-4
    Macmillan Learning - Language Awareness - Textbook Cover
  • Cengage Learning - A People and a Nation
    Cengage Learning - A People and a Nation
  • McGraw-Hill - Discovering Our Past
    McGraw-Hill - Discovering Our Past
  • Great Minds - PHD Science
    Great Minds - PHD Science

Our clients include...

Educational Publishing Landing Page Logos

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Get in touch to discuss your upcoming projects or for more information about our services.

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